Wednesday, April 20, 2022

M3 Cooperative learning articles!

                                                   Cooperative Learning! 

                                                            Hello everyone! Let's talk about cooperative learning. 

Cooperative learning is a very unique method of teaching. Cooperative learning involves a different goal, task and it encourages learning by reward structures. In cooperative learning, students work in small groups and they work together as a unit to complete the work that is given. Although the students work in a group, they are recognized for their individual work.  Models of cooperative learning are directed to instructional goals. Within cooperative, there are six stages. The six stages are; present goals and establish set, present information, organize students into learning teams, assist teamwork and study, test on materials and provide recognition. Within the groups, there are roles and everyone is responsible for their own work and learning.  Research has shown that cooperative learning can be effective and it can result in higher test grades. In the article it said, " In Slavin, 1991 's review of 67 studies, 61% of the cooperative-learning classes achieved significantly higher test scores than the traditional classes."  

             Some examples of Cooperative Learning Techniques!  

  • Big project: Students will work in groups in order to complete their assignment in a good length of time. 
  • Jigsaw: Every student in the group is assigned a role on a particular part of the assignment to learn about the material and complete the work. The students then return back to their prior group to present their new expertise with others to complete their project
  • Peer review: The students will learn on how to give effective and constructive feedback to other students. 

What is cooperative learning? Cooperative Learning. (2020, June 17). Retrieved April 20, 2022, from 

Why use cooperative learning? Cooperative Learning. (2018, May 7). Retrieved April 20, 2022, from 

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