Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Let's read chapter 12, regarding History!

 There are a number of reasons why children should be taught and educated on history. With teaching students history, they will have a better understanding of what our society consists of and the people within it. It can also show us how society was created. Teaching history also requires students to use their critical thinking skills and make them connect people with the past. 

How to make social studies more fun and enjoyable: 

  • Talk about current events 

  • Be enthusiastic and be creative with what you are teaching to your students!

  • Make a word wall with vocabulary words regarding to the unit. 

  • You can show artwork that is related to the topic 

  • Use powerful images to teach. You can ask your students questions about the pictures. 

  • You can do artifact discoveries! 

With teaching history, teachers may face some challenges. Some information and resources can be incorrect, children can learn at different paces, and history can be boring.

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