Monday, May 2, 2022

M5 Geography poem 🌎

                                                                   HUG THE EARTH

Walking along feeling free 
Feeling the Earth here with me 
And I love her. She loves me 
I hug the Earth, the Earth hugs me. 
She's our friend, 
We'd like to be together forever. 
The Earth is our garden 
It's a beautiful place 
For all living creatures 
For all the human race, 
Helping Mother Earth 
We can peacefully roam, 
We all deserve a place 
We can call our home. 
Food is a treasure from soil and the sea. 
Clean fresh air from the plants and the trees 
The warmth of the sun giving life each day 
Turns water into rain, it’s nature's way. 
And I would like to thank you, Mother Earth, 
I like to see you dressed in green and blue  
I want to be by you.

Lorraine Bayes

This poem is about earth. Us humans live on earth and it is made up of humans, wildlife, plants and many of other things. Earth is our home and on earth we walk around and live our daily lives. Without it makes me wonder, where would we be? Would we be here today? On earth, our food comes from the soils and everything on earth affects one another. If we did not have plants and trees, we would not be able to breath. If we did not have soil, we would not have food! 

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