Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Lesson 1- Executive Branch

After finishing my lesson plan, I realized how important it is to create engaging lessons plan when being a teacher. I genuinely enjoyed the way that this lesson plan was formatted and structured. The lesson plan that I completed was made on Google Slides and it consisted of a Quizlet, a Padlet and videos. I personally want to learn by learning platforms because they are fun and they are very engaging. It is boring when listening to a teacher all the time and learning platforms can make the children want to learn more due to the fact that kids are more dependent on technology these days. Technology is advancing day by day, which is creating more options of fun and more engaging ways to learn. I overall felt really engaged when completing this lesson because all of these platforms are easy to use and navigate. The Google Slides also clearly stated information about the topic. 

Lesson #14 reflection

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