Tuesday, March 1, 2022


Hi! Today I learned about the PIGS elements and what they mean! 
P: Positive Interdependence
I: Individual Accountability
G: Group processing 
S: Social Skills


I think that social interdependence is when students work collaboratively and they share a common goal and they believe that working together is beneficial. Although it is beneficial to work together, the outcome depends on everyone actively participating. 


I think that Individual Accountability is a type of cooperative learning where students learn together but are actively contributing their own work to the group as individuals.


 I think that Group Processing is when the students determine and evaluate if their group is doing good or bad and how their groups are working. 


I think that social skills is how we and students communicate to one another. It is how we interact with one another and it could be verbally and non verbally. I think that gestures can be used and facial expressions.


Teaching social skills to students in skills is very important. It is important because it will reduce the chances of children getting into trouble when they are older.  I also learned that it is important for kids to become friends because it results in children being sad. When having friends you can learn how to help and share. When teaching this, it will allow children to learn how to work together and it will result in them learning how to communicate. 

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