Curriculum that teachers teach to their students should have three elements. The elements include; outcomes, assessment and instruction. The outcomes are the results that students show and with the outcomes, teachers can determine goals for their students. Teachers will then will assess their students based on the outcomes. Instruction involves making objectives that will result in the students achieving the goal. Assessments are important because they can figure out if the students are meeting the goal.
Purposes of assessment:
-Assessments can help teachers figure of what their students do know and what they don't know.
-Teachers can determine if their instruction was effective or not.
- Students with see their quality of learning.
- Gives feedback on the performance of the students.
Assessment is one step of evaluation of student learning. Assessment allows teachers to create effective instruction because it gives teachers knowledge on their students learning, understanding and performance. After the assessments are completed, grading then occurs. The teacher looks at their students performance and then grades them by giving them either letter grades, percentages, or a word description such as; good job, excellent, fair or poor. Report cards are used and the grades within them can prevent students from being able to graduate, participate in activities and can even prevent students from receiving scholarships.
Formative assessment: Formative assessment is ongoing and teachers use it because it allows them to receive information about their students progress towards a set goal. Formative assessment should be used while learning is happening.
Summative assessment: Summative assessment is only done once and it can help teachers determine the level of the students and if they reached the goal or not. Summative assessment should only be used at the end of learning.
Pretests: Pretests are taken before direct instruction to test students prior knowledge on the goals, outcomes and objectives.
Posttests: Posttests is a summative assessment that should consist of questions retaining to the goals, outcome and objectives.
Authentic assessments: Authentic assessments asks students to provide their knowledge and how they would use it in their life. Examples of Authentic assessments are; rubrics, portfolios and peer assessment.
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